Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
Personal Information Protection Policy
At, we are committed to providing our customers with exceptional service. As providing this service involves the collection, use and disclosure of some personal information about our customers, protecting their personal information is one of our highest priorities.
We will inform our customers of why and how we collect, use and disclose their personal information, obtain their consent where required, and only handle their personal information in a manner that a reasonable person would consider appropriate in the circumstances.
This Personal Information Protection Policy, in compliance with PIPA, outlines the principles and practices we will follow in protecting customers' personal information. Our privacy commitment includes ensuring the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of our customers' personal information and allowing our customers to request access to, and correction of, their personal information.
Scope of this Policy
This Personal Information Protection Policy applies to
Policy 1 - Collecting Personal Information
1.1 Unless the purposes for collecting personal information are obvious and the customer voluntarily provides his or her personal information for those purposes, we will communicate the purposes for which personal information is being collected, either orally or in writing, before or at the time of collection.
1.2 We will only collect customer information that is necessary to fulfill the following purposes:
To verify identity;
To identify [customer] preferences;
To open and manage an account;
To deliver requested products and services
To enroll the client in a program;
To ensure a high standard of service to our [customers];
To meet regulatory requirements;
Policy 2 - Consent
2.1 We will obtain customer consent to collect, use or disclose personal information.
2.2 Consent can be provided or it can be implied where the purpose for collecting using or disclosing the personal information would be considered obvious and the customer voluntarily provides personal information for that purpose.
2.3 Consent may also be implied where a customer is given notice and a reasonable opportunity to opt-out of his or her personal information being used for mail-outs, the marketing of new services or products and the customer does not opt-out.
2.4 Subject to certain exceptions (e.g., the personal information is necessary to provide the service or product, or the withdrawal of consent would frustrate the performance of a legal obligation), customers can withhold or withdraw their consent for to use their personal information in certain ways. A client's, customer's, member's decision to withhold or withdraw their consent to certain uses of personal information may restrict our ability to provide a particular service or product. If so, we will explain the situation to assist the customer in making the decision.
Policy 3 - Using and Disclosing Personal Information
3.1 We will only use or disclose customer personal information where necessary to fulfill the purposes identified at the time of collection.
3.2 We will not use or disclose customer personal information for any additional purpose unless we obtain consent to do so.
3.3 We will not sell customer lists or personal information to other parties.
Policy 4 - Securing Personal Information
4.1 We are committed to ensuring the security of customer personal information in order to protect it from unauthorized access, collection, use, disclosure, copying, modification or disposal or similar risks.
4.2 We will use appropriate security measures when destroying client's, customer's, member's personal information.